The Engagement Process

An overview of how we work

Projects of interest

Our business model is built upon the tenet of a better future for all. To this end, Landau Capital Group’s business activities are dictated by the social impact each project may have on the greater community. Ventures that are committed to building local skills, creating jobs and improving supply chains are graded favourably in our initial due diligence process.


Sustainable | International | Commercial

Landau Capital Group is expertly positioned to source finance for major projects. This facilitation is structured by a unique process, whereby a Corporate Bond is formed and then listed on the designated Stock Exchange, so as to afford seamless uptake by Institutional Investors who are raising compelling funding for suitably qualified projects.


Financials | Business Plan | CIS

Our services are available to international, profitable, commercial projects with a requirement of USD50M or more.

  • We make funding for Renewable Energy projects easily accessible
  • Projects are realised within months, not years
  • We support next generation technologies that integrate variable renewables into the electric grid system by expediting their funding solutions

Engagement & Requirements

Upon initial submission of Business Plans, Financial Models and Client Information Sheet (CIS), the documentation is reviewed and analysed. Should the project qualify after this initial Due Diligence, the venture will be formally accepted for engagement towards the formation of a Corporate Bond. Preference is given to projects for Green Renewable Energy, although other projects will also be considered for funding. 

Client Information Sheet, Proof of Funds, Business Plans, Financial Models and related opportunity documentation specific to the potential Bond issue will be requested for Due Diligence consideration and resultant formal acceptance.

Upon initial approvals resultant in the opportunity qualifying and meeting the minimum benchmark requirements for a suitable bond issue, the client is accordingly advised and is further required to accept our Funding Mandate Agreement.

All the opportunity documentation is submitted with formal Instruction issued to the Corporate Bond Attorneys for the formation and ISIN / CUSIP Securities Registration of the Corporate Bond.

The Attorneys will simultaneously form and submit a Green/Climate verification application to be certified, which will run in parallel with the Corporate Bond Formation process.

Upon successful approvals, the bond is issued and listed on the Global Markets of the designated Stock Exchange.

The Corporate Bond Purchaser entities commence the purchase and investment procedures to subscribe to the bond issue as per formal agreement and according to agreed timelines.

Upon receipt of the Bond issue capital being realized, Client receives the capital as per formal agreement reached, after all costs, expenses and provision for Bond interest and maturity value payments are provided for.

The Process

The following diagram illustrates ‘The Process Forward’

Acceptance procedures & issue of a formal funder's mandate agreement

Payment of costs

Formation & Securities registration of a corporate bond

Climate certification is received for qualifying projects

A Global listing of the corporate bond is placed

Capitalisation of the corporate bond

The subscription agreement issued

Capital is paid to the client

Management Account
Formation of an asset management account

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